How to Boost Your Immune System

We have compiled a list of 5 essential and most promising supplements that are effective at treating viruses some of which are already being studied in the fight against COVID-19
Trials on the effectiveness of Quercetin in treating COVID-19 are underway in China.Quercetin is a potent phenolic antioxidant found in many fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants are key for keeping us young as they reduce the cell damage that continuously occurs due to pollution, toxins and normal metabolism. In addition, Quercetin is able to disrupt the viral penetration into our cells, reducing the viral load, the symptoms and the duration of the viral infection.
70% of your immune system resides in your gut, so looking after your gut is the obvious first step in bolstering your immune system. Quercetin is high in polyphenols, which are the type of food that your good bacteria love to eat, meaning the beneficial bacteria will multiply, and in turn, will improve your immune system.
Not only will Quercetin fight the virus it will also looking after your gut and thereby indirectly boosting your immune system.
Start on a low dose and increase slowly. Therapeutic dose 1g 2-3/day. Maintenance 1g/day
However, if you are sensitive to wine, this supplement may not be the one for you, as it may cause the same symptoms in sensitive individuals such as sneezing and headaches if taken in high doses.
Green tea
We know that Green tea is anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants and has antiviral effects against diverse viruses. Drinking green tea will provide you with a level of antioxidants, but if you want to achieve a strong antiviral effect supplementation is necessary. When looking for green tea supplements, you should look at the level of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in the product, the higher the better.Therapeutic dose: 1g 2-3/day. Maintenance 1g/day
Vitamin C
Intravenous vitamin C is already being deployed in China against COVID-19 patients and has had a great effect. We know that vitamin C can help reduce the severity of any flu or cold as well as reducing the symptoms of respiratory infections. Vitamin C is also high in antioxidants and has an anti-inflammatory effect.Include vitamin C in your diet by eating these foods:
- Kakadu plum contains a 100 times more vitamin C than an orange.
- Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
- Green and red peppers.
- Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens.
- Kiwi and orange, lemons, grapefruits
- Guava, mango, honeydew
- Parsley
Zinc is crucial for growth, development and the maintenance of the immune system. Zinc has been used for a long time to fight various viruses and a deficiency of zinc can result in an increased risk of infection and disease, including pneumonia.
Therapeutic dose 20-25mg/day with food. Maintenance 10-15mg/day
Vitamin D
It is now clear that vitamin D is a huge player within the immune system as it can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as increased susceptibility to all kinds of infections.Vitamin D is mainly made in the skin when the skin is exposed to the sun. Alternatively, you can supplement with vitamin D. It is important to make sure your vitamin D levels are more than adequate as research has shown vitamin D can have a protective effect in terms of the frequency of viral infections.
The dose is dependent on your current vitamin D status, 1000iu-5000iu/day
Naturopaths and herbalists have access to many anti-viral herbs and nutrients however the ones we’ve outlined above are the most relevant at this moment in time. They are also relatively easy to find online or at the supermarket. Other good candidates to consider are garlic, andrographis, astragalus and echinacea.
As with all medicines and supplements natural or otherwise, please consult with experts before starting any supplement program.
- Tags: Immunity
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