Transform Your Gut Health Journey with the Ulti...

Ever feel like your gut could use a little extra love? You’re not alone. A healthy gut is the foundation of overall wellness, influencing everything from your immune system to your mood. That’s why we’re...

Five Signs You Need a Full Reset

Feeling off balance? It might be time for a reset. The Full Reset Bundle is designed to address common health issues and restore your overall well-being. Here are five signs you might need a full...

How REPAIR and MULTI-TASKER Support Skin, Hair ...

Our products are multi-functional but sometimes combining some of them can lead to something quite spectacular. My first objective as a naturopath is to help you feel well and the fortunate bi-product of this is...

Why Protein Matters

We are becoming increasingly more aware of the importance of getting enough protein, not only to increase muscle mass but for so many other functions such as hormone production, fertility, blood sugar stabilisation and much...

Feeling the Winter Blues?

People often complain in winter that they feel less energetic and may feel like the glass is half empty rather than half full. The reasons for the the winter blues vary but the reduction in...

How FEED Boosts the Immune System

FEED {gut+immune} has been formulated to boost the immune system via mechanisms in the gut and by adding the immune boosting ingredients

Is Plant-Based Protein Powder Right for You?

A plant-based protein powder might be beneficial for a variety of reasons, even for some meat eaters. 

Boost Men's Health with MULTI-TASKER: The Ultim...

It's Men's Health Week, and there's no better time to focus on the well-being of the men in our lives. Our MULTI-TASKER is packed with essential nutrients and herbs to improve memory and cognition, enhance body strength,...

Pernille's Winter Wellness Essentials

As the colder months approach, it’s crucial to adjust your daily routine to maintain a strong body and functional immune system. Here are some key practices to incorporate into your winter wellness regimen.

The Science Behind PROTEIN {collagen+WPI}

Everything we do at The Gut Cø. is done with science-backed ingredients that are supplied from the best sources and a thorough understanding of what REALLY gets results. Our PROTEIN {collagen+WPI} is no different, read through to find...