How the Gut Impacts Your Mood

The gut and brain are heavily interconnected. This interconnection happens between the immune system, the nervous system and the adrenal glands – called the gut-brain axis.

Taking a Look at How Digestive Enzyme Supplemen...

Digestive enzymes help for most common causes of bloating and they’re safe and easy to access and use. We’ve put together this article as a little crash course and FAQ for enzyme supplements

How Your Gut Health Impacts Your Body Weight

With respect to weight gain, research in this area kicked off in the year 2000 when Norwegian scientists transplanted stool from obese mice into thin mice. With no changes to their food or calorie expenditure,...

Are your Probiotics Making you Feel Worse?

I've heard it many times as a naturopath: "I have stomach problems, so I bought a broad spectrum probiotics, but they make me feel terrible." Or “I have been eating fermented foods for a while...

How to Eliminate Bloating

When you experience bloating your gut is telling you that it isn't happy, so it's worth listening and trying to help improve your gut function as this will mean less bloating. Bloating can be an...

5 Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

We give you 5 easy steps that you can implement today for better gut health which in turn will mean better overall health, glowing skin, stronger immune and nervous system as well as less bloating.

Glowing Skin Begins in the Gut

Treating skin issues has to be a two-way approach; by looking at both skincare and diet. What you put on your skin is as important as what you put in your mouth. Pernille is a...

What Causes Bloating and How to Avoid it

Are you feeling excessively full after a meal? Have pain in the stomach or an extended belly? Excess gas and/or burping as well as suffering from diarrhoea or constipation at times?

Topical Probiotics and How They Help Skin Concerns

Kiri Yanchenko is the founder of the AMPERNA® skincare brand committed to creating active products specifically formulated for even the most sensitive skin. Read how probiotic skincare can be good for your skin in more...

The Benefits of Collagen for Skin, Hair and Gut

Collagen proteins are helpful for a number of issues. Because of its primary structural role in certain tissues, collagen has been shown to help increase bone mineral density, reduce joint degeneration, improve nail growth and...